SMB Module - Java utility library





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SMB Module - Java utility library
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'org.wso2.ei:smb-utils:0.3.1'
implementation ("org.wso2.ei:smb-utils:0.3.1")
<dependency org="org.wso2.ei" name="smb-utils" rev="0.3.1">
  <artifact name="smb-utils" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.wso2.ei', module='smb-utils', version='0.3.1')
libraryDependencies += "org.wso2.ei" % "smb-utils" % "0.3.1"
[org.wso2.ei/smb-utils "0.3.1"]


compile (8)

Group / Artifact Type Version
jcifs : jcifs jar 1.3.17
org.apache.commons.wso2 » commons-vfs2 jar 2.2-wso2v2
org.wso2.transport.file : org.wso2.transport.remote-file-system jar 6.0.57
com.jcraft : jsch jar 0.1.54
org.ballerinalang » ballerina-lang jar 1.0.0
org.ballerinalang » ballerina-runtime jar 1.0.0
org.ballerinalang » ballerina-io jar 1.0.0
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.22

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.slf4j : slf4j-log4j12 jar 1.7.22

Project Modules

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Module Overview

The wso2/smb module provides an SMB client and an SMB server listener implementation to facilitate an SMB connection to a remote location.

The following sections provide details on how to use the SMB connector.


Ballerina Language 1.0.1

Feature Overview

SMB Client

The smb:Client connects to an SMB server and performs various operations on the files. Currently, it supports the generic SMB operations; get, delete, put, append, mkdir, rmdir, isDirectory, rename, size, and list.

An SMB client endpoint is defined using the parameters protocol and host, and optionally the port and secureSocket parameters. Authentication configuration can be configured using the secureSocket parameter for basicAuth, private key, or TrustStore/Keystore.

SMB Listener

The smb:Listener is used to listen to a remote SMB location and trigger a WatchEvent type of event, when new files are added to or deleted from the directory. The fileResource function is invoked when a new file is added and/or deleted.

An SMB listener endpoint is defined using the mandatory parameters protocol, host, and path. Authentication configuration can be done using secureSocket and polling interval can be configured using pollingInterval. Default polling interval is 60 seconds.

The fileNamePattern parameter can be used to define the type of files the SMB listener endpoint will listen to. For instance, if the listener gets invoked for text files, the value (.*).txt can be given for the config.

Getting Started


Download and install Ballerina.

Pull the Module

Pull the SMB module from Ballerina Central using this command:

$ ballerina pull wso2/smb


SMB Listener Sample

The SMB Listener can be used to listen to a remote directory. It will keep listening to the specified directory and periodically notify which files are added to and deleted from the server.

import ballerina/log;
import wso2/smb;

listener smb:Listener remoteServer = new({
    protocol: smb:SMB,
    host: "<The SMB host>",
    secureSocket: {
        basicAuth: {
            username: "<The SMB username>",
            password: "<The SMB passowrd>"
    port: <The SMB port>,
    path: "<The remote SMB direcotry location>",
    pollingInterval: <Polling interval>,
    fileNamePattern: "<File type>"

service smbServerConnector on remoteServer {
    resource function onFileChange(smb:WatchEvent fileEvent) {

        foreach smb:FileInfo addedFile in fileEvent.addedFiles {
            log:printInfo("Added file path: " + addedFile.path);
        foreach string deletedFile in fileEvent.deletedFiles {
            log:printInfo("Deleted file path: " + deletedFile);

SMB Client Sample

The SMB Client Connector can be used to connect to an SMB server and perform I/O operations.

import ballerina/log;
import ballerina/io;
import wso2/smb;

// Define Samba client configuration
smb:ClientEndpointConfig smbConfig = {
    protocol: smb:SMB,
    host: "<The SMB host>",
    port: <The SMB port>,
    secureSocket: {
        basicAuth: {
            username: "<The SMB username>",
            password: "<The SMB passowrd>"

// Create Samba client
smb:Client smbClient = new(smbConfig);
public function main() {
    // Create a folder in remote server
    error? mkdirResponse = smbClient->mkdir("<The directory path>");
    if (mkdirResponse is error) {
        log:printError("Error occured in creating directory.", mkdirResponse);
    // Upload file to a remote server
    io:ReadableByteChannel|error summaryChannel = io:openReadableFile("<The local data source path>");
    if(summaryChannel is io:ReadableByteChannel){
        error? putResponse = smbClient->put("<The resource path>", summaryChannel);   
        if(putResponse is error) {
            log:printError("Error occured in uploading content.", putResponse);
    // Get the size of a remote file
    var sizeResponse = smbClient->size("<The resource path>");
    if (sizeResponse is int) {
        log:printInfo("File size: " + sizeResponse.toString());
    } else {
        log:printError("Error occured in retrieving size.", sizeResponse);
    // Read content of a remote file
    var getResponse = smbClient->get("<The file path>");
    if (getResponse is io:ReadableByteChannel) {
        io:ReadableCharacterChannel? characters = new io:ReadableCharacterChannel(getResponse, "utf-8");
        if (characters is io:ReadableCharacterChannel) {
            var output =<No of characters to read>);
            if (output is string) {
                log:printInfo("File content: "+ output);
            } else {
                log:printError("Error occured in retrieving content.", output);
            var closeResult = characters.close();
            if (closeResult is error) {
                log:printError("Error occurred while closing the channel", closeResult);
    } else {
        log:printError("Error occured in retrieving content.", getResponse);
    // Rename or move remote file to a another remote location in a same SMB server
    error? renameResponse = smbClient->rename("<The source file path>", "<The destination file path>");
    if (renameResponse is error) {
        log:printError("Error occurred while renaming the file", renameResponse);
    // Delete remote file
    error? deleteResponse = smbClient->delete("<The resource path>");
    if (deleteResponse is error) {
        log:printError("Error occurred while deleting a file", deleteResponse);

    // Remove directory from remote server
    var rmdirResponse = smbClient->rmdir("<The directory path>");
    if (rmdirResponse is error) {
        io:println("Error occured in removing directory.", rmdirResponse); 

