Last Version

Infinispan Spring 4 Integration 8.1.0.Alpha2

The Infinispan Spring Integration project provides Spring integration for Infinispan, a high performance distributed cache. Its primary features are * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager, Spring's central caching abstraction, backed by Infinispan's EmbeddedCacheManager. To be used if your Spring-powered application and Infinispan are colocated, i.e. running within the same VM. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by Infinispan's RemoteCacheManager. To bes used if your Spring-powered application accesses Infinispan remotely, i.e. over the network. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by a CacheContainer reference. To be used if your Spring- powered application needs access to a CacheContainer defined outside the application (e.g. retrieved from JNDI) * Spring namespace support allowing shortcut definitions for all the components above In addition, Infinispan Spring Integration offers various FactoryBeans for facilitating creation of Infinispan core classes - Cache, CacheManager, ... - within a Spring context.





Infinispan Data Caching










Infinispan Spring 4 Integration
The Infinispan Spring Integration project provides Spring integration for Infinispan, a high performance distributed cache. Its primary features are * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager, Spring's central caching abstraction, backed by Infinispan's EmbeddedCacheManager. To be used if your Spring-powered application and Infinispan are colocated, i.e. running within the same VM. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by Infinispan's RemoteCacheManager. To bes used if your Spring-powered application accesses Infinispan remotely, i.e. over the network. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by a CacheContainer reference. To be used if your Spring- powered application needs access to a CacheContainer defined outside the application (e.g. retrieved from JNDI) * Spring namespace support allowing shortcut definitions for all the components above In addition, Infinispan Spring Integration offers various FactoryBeans for facilitating creation of Infinispan core classes - Cache, CacheManager, ... - within a Spring context.
Project Organization

Project Organization

JBoss, a division of Red Hat

Download infinispan-spring4 8.1.0.Alpha2


compile (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.springframework : spring-context jar 4.1.0.RELEASE
org.infinispan : infinispan-core jar 8.1.0.Alpha2
org.infinispan : infinispan-client-hotrod Optional jar 8.1.0.Alpha2
net.jcip : jcip-annotations Optional jar 1.0

provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.jboss.logging : jboss-logging-processor jar 1.1.0.Final

runtime (7)

Group / Artifact Type Version
commons-pool : commons-pool jar 1.6
commons-logging : commons-logging jar 1.1
org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-core jar 2.3
org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-slf4j-impl jar 2.3
org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-jcl jar 2.3
org.jgroups : jgroups jar 3.6.4.Final
org.jboss.marshalling : jboss-marshalling-osgi jar 1.4.10.Final

test (17)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.springframework : spring-test jar 4.1.0.RELEASE
org.infinispan : infinispan-core test-jar 8.1.0.Alpha2
org.infinispan : infinispan-client-hotrod test-jar 8.1.0.Alpha2
org.infinispan : infinispan-server-hotrod jar 8.1.0.Alpha2
org.infinispan : infinispan-server-hotrod test-jar 8.1.0.Alpha2
org.springframework : spring-jdbc jar 4.1.0.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-context-support jar 4.1.0.RELEASE
com.h2database : h2 jar 1.4.180
commons-dbcp : commons-dbcp jar 1.4
javax.cache : cache-api jar 1.0.0
org.aspectj : aspectjweaver jar 1.8.1
com.thoughtworks.xstream : xstream jar 1.4.8
org.mockito : mockito-all jar 1.9.5
org.jboss : jboss-transaction-spi jar 7.1.0.Final
org.jboss.narayana.jta : narayana-jta jar 5.0.4.Final
org.testng : testng jar 6.8.8
junit : junit jar 4.11

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.